St Catherine’s Master Plan created a central Plaza as a focus for community activities that would unify and connect the existing church, school courtyard, rectory, and the newly built Fellowship Hall. Phase 1 of the plan was construction of the Fellowship Hall that included rectory offices, meeting rooms, library, a multi-purpose auditorium, and a rooftop cross. An exterior elevator was attached to the Fellowship Hall to serve the parking lot 16 feet above the Plaza and Fellowship Hall. Phase 2 of the plan was a new school building that included science classrooms and laboratory, a school library, preschool classrooms, and a vehicular student drop-off and pick-up area. The new school building has two stories adjacent to a hillside, which allows the lower floor including science classroom and library, to be at ground level facing the school playground. The pre-school on the upper floor, also at ground level facing the opposite direction, has a separate playground.